What different types of CBD oil are available?

There is a broad range of different CBD oil products available. The main distinction is between tinctures and vapors, but both of these variations come in a wide range of different strengths and flavors. The tincture is primarily designed for direct oral use, but it can be rubbed on the skin, and it will have the same effect. The vapor must be used in accordance with a standard issue (non-medicinal) vaporizer.

The vaporizer does have to be part of any special line or brand, because most vaping products will work fine with any device which uses vape oils. In other words, there should be no problem using a regular vaporizer (commonly used as standard e-cigarettes) to ‘smoke’ cannabis oil or hemp oil. However, certain vaporizers have been manufactured in close conjunction with the branded oils, and are able to offer users the best experience.

The flavors available include, but are not limited to, watermelon, vanilla, blueberry, and strawberry. The tinctures and vapors are available in three different strengths; 10mg per 10ml bottle, 30g per 10ml bottle, and 45mg per 10ml bottle.